天候漸熱,綠樹成蔭,初夏的畢業季節又將來臨了。不久前,住在美東的表姐發來一個電郵 :她的長公子即將從高中畢業,學校在徵集親友們的「畢業祝賀信」(Senior Letter)。希望我也能共襄盛舉,寫點什麼給小伙子作紀念。 
我在美國住了這麼多年,竟不知道Senior Letter是什麼東西。看了信中附上的說明,才知道這是眾親友寫給畢業生的賀函,學校會統一收集,在畢業餐會上分發給學生。校方還特別聲明:請大家善頌善禱,努力歌功頌德,重溫美好回憶;千萬別在這裏算老賬、放冷箭,說些煞風景的事情。
我當然很樂意為外甥寫Senior Letter。他是個高大英武、彬彬有禮的年輕人;在校成績優良,運動方面也非常出色。但我和他不是很熟,只見過幾次面,比較沒有私密的溫馨回憶可以發揮;所以就寫了封以祝賀、鼓勵為主的短信。貼在這裏和大家分享吧:
Congratulations on your graduation!
These are the best days of your life:  You are young.  You are healthy.  You are smart, carefree, full of energy.  The future is bright and the possibilities are endless. 
And you are one of the luckiest kids in the world: You were born with perfect health. You grow up in a country which grants all citizens freedom and equal rights, in a family full of love and care, in an environment where all necessities of life are bountiful.  I am so happy and proud to see you developing into a confident, intelligent and strong young gentleman.  
Be proud of yourself.  Take pride in your abilities to learn from the world, to develop your natural talents, to love, to care, to explore, to enjoy the golden life path which is unfolding in front of you.
In the meanwhile, be humble.  Be appreciative of the fact that you were not born into the horrible sufferings and deprivations that many people in the world now and past cannot escape from, and try your best to help those who are not as fortunate as you are. 
Now it’s time for you to step forward and see the world.  You need to be brave but also kind, to be proud but also humble.  And do not forget: As your family, we all love you, and will support you always.    

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